Writer’s Block: Evolution of the Disease

A Furrowed Brow

Preliminary (Apologetic) Side-note: Yes, I have not forgotten that part two of the Parental Chronicles (part one found here); however, as this post will soon illustrate, my writing capabilities are far from able to write a whole account of my mother’s life story. And what better way to get through tragedy but to complain about it?

Writer’s Block… The only pathogen ever worth worrying about to anyone who gives a damn about literature, and, alas, I do believe it has become most chronic, potentially fatal, on my part.

Perhaps it has something to do with various age-related disillusions that one undoubtedly achieves (although the connotations of the word is dashingly deceiving) over the course of adolescence. I remember my first attempt at writing; at the mere age of nine, I had stapled together several blank A4 pages, created a terrible pencil-drawn cover-page and written half a prologue before…

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About Hotman Sihombing

Indonesian, 47Y married + 3 princess. Living in East Jakarta. various Graduated and various skill experiences, a Business Arranger for the last four teen years, always search the New Things. Do you New? if so please put me in loops I then will be there quite on time. Time for writing any of things even for nothing much better than watching!.
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